Good Evening.Good Evening.
- Academy Award® Winner Sir Anthony Hopkins
- Academy Award® Winner Helen Mirren
- Scarlett Johansson
- Toni Collette
- Danny Huston
- Jessica Biel
In Theatres 2012
TM and © 2012 Fox and its related entities. All rights reserved.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Master of Suspense,
ARE WE THERE YET? / July 15, 2013
The crickets were driving him crazy. He smashed one on the counter with his fist He went to the file cabinet and stared at the files. The thought of killing all those people made him forget about the crickets for a minute and he felt some relief.
The sound of tires on the gravel driveway brought him back to the maddening sound of thousands of crickets.
First the redhead. Then the drug dealer. Then Mr. Durcheinander. "No more dumplings for you!" He laughed. Now what?
"Hope you're still open!?" A man holding a sleepy little girl tapped on the screen door. "Do you mind if we use your restroom?"
"I'm John Drayton. This is my wife Lidia and our kids, Linda and Hank." John introduced his family.
"Ya'll sure have a lot of crickets out here. I'm surprised they can survive this heat!" Mrs. Drayton made polite conversation.
"You can hear them too?" He looked through her and appeared to be puzzled.
An awkward silence loomed.
"Well, just point us towards the restroom and we'll be out of your hair." John didn't like the way he felt.
"Of course we'd be happy to buy some of your tomatoes..." Lidia tried to break the ice.
"Come on, honey. Let's just go to the car." John said softly to his wife.
"How come you only got one hand, mister?" young Hank blurted.
"Hank!" Lidia pulled her son close to her. "Where are your manners?"
"No. That's alright. I'm the one who forgot his manners. Bathrooms are around back. Follow me."
Against his better judgement, John Drayton and his family followed the man.
A few hours later the man drove away in the Drayton's car with the body of Edgar Bernard in the trunk. It wouldn't do to allow the fire department to find Edgar's remains.
For insurance, in case the crickets followed him again, the back seat held Edgar's customer files.
We hope you are enjoying tonight's program, DURCHEINANDER, the story of a beautiful blonde and her ex-husband, the disbarred attorney.
Before we return to our show, we'd like to take a moment to thank our lovely sponsors in the state of "in absentia." As you may have noticed, they are not nearly as annoying when they are in that commonwealth.
Master of Suspense,
Chapter Ten
Wendell Johnson locked the front door of Melanie's Burger Bistro and went to the rooftop to see if there was anything Melanie wanted from the kitchen before he retired. He found Melanie and company surrounded by empty wine bottles and open bags of potting soil. Thelma, Melanie and their gentleman friend had dirt all over their hands, faces and clothes.
"Good evening, Thelma and Louise. Who, pray tell is the handsome gallant you've been hogging all evening." Wendell winked at Mitchell Doyle.
"This is Mr. Doyle. He owns the building. Thelma replied.
"Even better," Wendell showed more interest.
"Mr. Doyle, this is Mr. Wendell Johnson, our new cook." Thelma properly introduced them.
"You know, Mr. Doyle, I'm the one who make the crickets go away. I'm an exceptional cook and..." Wendell began.
"Save it. He's taken, " Thelma laughed. "You're late. Louise nabbed him." Thelma stepped back and tripped over a bag of potting soil. She landed on her rear end. "Give me a hand, Louise. I've fallen and I can't get up."
"You two simply must stop calling me Louise! The new customers are calling me Louise!" Melanie insisted.
"Well, I'm just happy to see you all in good spirits, and I do mean 'spirits' in the alcoholic sense of the word. What a mess! What on earth is going on up here?" Wendell surveyed the scene.
"We're just testing rose wines and planting the next crop of tomato vines." Mitch made no excuses.
"Can I get you people anything from the kitchen before I turn in? Another crate of wine, perhaps?" Wendell offered.
"Why yes, Wendell. Thank you. Please bring us that last bag of Bernard's Bone Meal from the pantry. We had a bag but Thelma seems to've misplaced it. I do hope she didn't place it on the ledge and allow it to fall on some poor tourist's head. Bad for business." Melanie replied.
"It prevents blossom end rot, you know," Thelma added.
"What? Getting hit on the head or the fertilizer?" Mitch asked.
Melanie laughed so hard she snorted. She was trying to help Thelma to get up but kept losing her grip and dropping her.
"You SNORTED! Miss Prim Proper snorted! Did you fellas hear that?!" Thelma's eyes were watering.
"Well, we don't want blossom end rot, do we?" Wendell shook his head and went to get the fertilizer. He returned too soon with a ghastly pale complexion.
"There's a mad man ripping the kitchen apart!" Wendell said in a strained whisper.
"Call the police!" Thelma scrambled to her feet. "Our phones are in the office downstairs!"
"So is mine!" Wendell cringed.
Suddenly they heard a phone ring.
"O Thank God!" Thelma declared. "A customer probably forgot their phone. Thank God! Find it!"
"It's coming from over there!" Mitch pointed. They all ran towards the ringing phone.
"It's coming from inside that bag of bone meal." Melanie said with a feeling of horror growing stronger each second.
"Just rip it open! Give it to me!" Wendell dusted off the phone off and answered it.
"Hello," Wendell said in a nice, polite manner, as if nothing was wrong.
"Jesus! Wendell! Have you lost your mind!? Hang up and call the police!" Mitch growled.
Wendell pulled away as if he was making a private call.
"Honey, I sound different because I'm not Tommy. Tommy isn't here right now. Listen, whoever you are, I need to hang up now because I have an important call." Wendell explained to the stranger who said she was calling from Baker and wanted to know why Tommy never showed up.
"The fire escape!" Thelma suggested.
"No! Thelma! No!" Wendell put his hand over the mouth piece. "He's down there waiting for us!" He warned and then went back to his call.
"Your name is Josephine? OK, Miss Josephine, I'm going to have to be rude and put you on hold. I can't imagine why he paid for a babysitter for Benjamine and then didn't show up. We'll talk about it in a minute." Wendell put Josephine on hold and dialed 911. "It's ringing. It's ringing."
"Who the hell are you talking to?" Mitch, Thelma and Melanie surrounded Wendell.
"I don't know! Some lady named Josephine with a kid named Ben who wants to talk to somebody named Tommy. I put her on hold. I couldn't hang up on her. She sounds so distressed!" Wendell said while the phone was ringing on the other end. "Still ringing. Still ringing."
"Melanie, isn't Tommy Barton the name of the cook I replaced?" Wendell asked. "Still ringing. Still ringing."
Melanie clutched her pearl necklace so tightly it broke. She fainted and landed with a loud thud.
Wendell completely lost it. He started screaming and couldn't stop.
Mitch grabbed the phone and talked to the police.
Thelma pointed towards the ocean.
"Wendell! Wendell! Snap out of it! Is that the man you saw in the kitchen?" Thelma pointed to a man running down the beach.
"I hope so!" Wendell declared as he strugged to regain his cool.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a chorus of crickets began to chirp loudly.
"I spoke too soon. About the crickets." Wendell said in a daze.
Mitch put his jacket over Melanie and told the police they needed an ambulance.
"She's in shock. Was it what Wendell asked or did she get a closer look at that crazy man before we did? And how did Tommy Barton's phone get into a sealed sack of bone meal?" Thelma asked
Here is a station break we know you will enjoy.Good Evening.
Good Evening.
- Academy Award® Winner Sir Anthony Hopkins
- Academy Award® Winner Helen Mirren
- Scarlett Johansson
- Toni Collette
- Danny Huston
- Jessica Biel
In Theatres 2012
TM and © 2012 Fox and its related entities. All rights reserved.
DURCHEINANDER / Chapter Nine / PEOPLE OF INTEREST / July 18, 2013
PEOPLE OF INTEREST / July 18, 2013
Officer Samuel Jefferies was there helping to hold back the crowd outside Melanie's Burger Bistro. Everyone wondered what was going on behind the yellow crime scene tape that surrounded the building, especially Melanie.
"What is this all about?" Melanie asked.
"We're searching the premises for anything Mr Thomas Barton may have left behind. We need you to come in for identification purposes." Officer Jefferies took Melanie's elbow and guided her towards his vehicle. "There's no easy way to say this, ma'am. We believe Scottie is dead. A man staying at the Torrance Motel, Mr. Joseph Ferguson, was the last person to wee your ex-husband alive. He saw Scottie getting an item engraved in Old Torrance on July 3rd before the arrest. Scottie was released on July 5th and Ferguson saw him getting another item engraved. It turned out to be a murder weapon that turned up in the desert near Baker.
It's covered with Scottie's prints and some yet to be identified prints. The blood and red hair match that of a missing employee from the information center, a Miss Rebecca Daniels. Miss Daniels went missing on Mr. Barton's day off, which is the last time you indicated you saw him. The information center has security camera footage of Thomas Barton ogling Miss Daniels on June 20th. We believe the second set of prints will be Thomas Barton's."
Time For Our Commercial Break
Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We hope you are enjoying DURCHEINANDER.
We have time for our commercial break now, but it seems our sponsors have disappeared.
The place is a ghost town.
Please stand by while we attempt to dig up our sponsors.
Mitchell Doyle and Melanie Hayworth had lunch at the Caffe Pinguini in Playa Del Rey. Later they would consider it their first date, even though Thelma Reynolds was right there, riding shot gun, chaperoning Melanie.
"Where do you suppose Tommy disappeared to? Thelma brought up.
"Stop worrying about it. You two did what you had to do. You hired another cook. What else could you do?" Mitch said.
"I liked him." Melanie said.
"I confess I liked him as well." Mitch nodded.
"You did?" Melanie and Thelma chimed.
"Yeah. He was a great cook. It's probably because of him we are here celebrating. You made the papers and you have an excellent chance of being voted best burger in the South Bay. Against all odds your grand re-opening was a roaring success. Tommy was cool as a cucumber. Anyone else would have run off with the way Scottie acted." Mitch explained.
"Well, it looks like he did run off after all." Thelma sighed.
"At least he got us through the re-opening." Melanie said wistfully.
"No more melancholy Melanie! After we finish this champagne, let's walk on the beach." Mitch patted his stomach.
"You didn't have to finish my dessert." Melanie teased.
"Oh yes I did. It was delicious." Mitch replied.
"Well, you're going to have to walk to Santa Barbara if you intend to walk both desserts off." Thelma laughed.
The American Film Institute, World Premiere of HITCHCOCK Will Open AFI FEST 2012
World Premiere of HITCHCOCK Will Open AFI FEST 2012
On November 1, the World Premiere of HITCHCOCK will open the AFI FEST 2012 at Grauman’s historic Chinese Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard. The film stars Academy Award® winner Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock, Academy Award® winner Helen Mirren as his wife, Alma Reville, Scarlett Johansson as Janet Leigh, Jessica Biel as Vera Miles and James D’Arcy as Anthony Perkins.
The film is directed by Sacha Gervasi and also stars Toni Collette, Danny Huston and Michael Stuhlbarg. From a screenplay by John J. McLaughlin, the film is based on the book “Alfred Hitchcock and the Making of Psycho” by Stephen Rebello. HITCHCOCK, a love story about one of the most influential filmmakers of the last century, Alfred Hitchcock, and his wife and partner, Alma Reville, takes place during the making of the distinguished director’s seminal 1960 movie, PSYCHO.
“AFI’s history with Alfred Hitchcock is a proud one, from a Master Seminar at the AFI Conservatory in 1970 to his receiving the AFI Life Achievement Award in 1979,” said Bob Gazzale, President and CEO of the American Film Institute. “We are honored to celebrate his lasting legacy with the World Premiere of HITCHCOCK – a bloody valentine to his creative genius and the inspired woman at his side.”
“Alfred Hitchcock’s signature style has made him one of the most influential directors in the world,” said Jacqueline Lyanga, Director, AFI FEST. “This film pulls back the curtain and takes us behind-the-scenes of his lifelong collaboration with his wife Alma during the making of his 1960 masterpiece PSYCHO – it’s the perfect film to welcome our audience of movie-lovers with on opening night.”
For the fourth consecutive year, AFI FEST will continue its unprecedented offer of free tickets to all screenings, but only the Star Patron Package and Marquee Patron Package will provide reserved seating at the World Premiere opening night gala of HITCHCOCK. These and other AFI FEST Patron Packages and Passes – which can include access to sold-out galas and other high-demand films and events – are on sale now at The American Film Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational and cultural organization, and Patron Packages are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
Free individual tickets to AFI FEST screenings and galas will be available to AFI members on Wednesday, October 24 in a 24-hour advance window before they become available to the general public on October 25. In addition, AFI members Two Star level and above receive a 10% discount on all Patron Packages and Passes. Information about AFI Membership is available at
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Monday, October 8, 2012
DURCHEINANDER / Chapter Seven / Death Valley
Chapter Seven
DEATH VALLEY / June 20, 2013
Tommy Barton found Edgar Bernard's Famous Tomato Stand out in the middle of Death Valley. It wasn't what he expected. Edgar was obviously a drug addict with serious mental health issues. His teeth looked like they would fall out if he sneezed.
"We don't get many visitors out here. Would you like some ice water?" Edgar Bernard offered.
"Sure. Thank you." Tommy said before he realized he didn't really mean it. He was thirsty, alright, but suddenly every horror movie he'd ever seen flashed before his eyes. He held the glass of water and hoped for an opportunity to dump it without being seen.
"Most of our business is done by UPS." Edgar pointed to a stack of boxes by the door. "They'll be here any minute."
That was a very comforting thought for Tommy. There wouldn't be time for Edgar Bernard to murder him.
"You know, since you drove all the way out here to surprise your boss, you might as well go all the way." Edgar said, staring at Tommy's glass.
"Might as well." Tommy was at a loss for words for the first time in his life.
"Brenner's Burger's is one of our best customers,but they haven't tried our fertilizer yet. It's 100% safe and natural. We make it ourselves." Edgar's skin and bones frame sprang to life with enthusiam. "Wait right here and I'll go out to the shed and get you a free sample. You better drink your water while it's cold."
"We?" Tommy frowned.
"I'm sorry. Force of habit. My mom and dad passed away a long while back but I can't help saying 'we'." Edgar confessed.
"Great" Tommy thought, "He's trying to drug me. Then he's going to come back in here wearing his mother's dress and swinging a hatchet."
"I'd really like to go with you, if you don't mind. I've never been to a place like this and would enjoy touring your famous facility." Tommy figured he had a better chance of survival if he never let Edgar out of his sight.
"Suit yourself. I just thought you'd rather rest in the air-conditioned office and enjoy your water. To each his own. Follow me."
Edgar led Tommy past a row of dilapidated wooden buildings. They stopped at the last one, which was leaning a bit to one side, but still standing.
"Because Brenner's Burgers has been a faithful customer all these years, I'm going to give you the full sized sack." said Edgar.
A horn honked in the distance.
"Oh, that's UPS. I probably need to sign for something. Everything comes and goes by UPS. I haven't left this place since my parents died. They were on their way to Vegas to celebrate their wedding anniversary. I guess I'm officially what they call autophobic. I've never driven a car and I never want to. We better hurry back."
Tommy felt like a fool and would never tell anyone the story of how frightened he had been by this little frightened man.
"What's that?" Tommy asked as they passed a partially open door.
"Oh, that's just the bone crusher. It's over a hundred years old but it still works like a charm. That big tub next to it is where we boil the bones before we, I mean, 'I', crush them. Old habits die hard." Edgar started talking very fast. "And don't you worry. You won't get mad cow disease from our bone meal. It's perfectly safe. Wouldn't hurt a fly. All you will get is bigger, redder, juicier tomatoes." Edgar wobbled as he hurried back to the office.
Tommy couldn't believe how this frail little guy was starting to frighten him all over again. He'd never been afraid of anyone before.
Edgar signed for the packages and offered the UPS man a glass of ice cold water, which he downed all at once and was very grateful for. Tommy drank his water, thanked Edgar profusely and tore out of there before the UPS man could finish loading the out-going packages on his truck.
Tommy headed towards Los Angeles and started thinking about all the beautiful tomatoes he was bound to meet when he got there.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We regret to inform you that we are experiencing some technical difficulties.
It seems the words prepared by our sponsor have fallen down the drain.
Please stand by as we hunt for a stick and attempt to fish them out of said drain.
Thank you for your patience in this most unfortunate matter. We regret having disappointed you, again.
DURCHEINANDER Chapter Six: Give Old Tony's A Hand
Dame J. E. Marshall Productions Presents
The Homage To Sir Alfred Hitchcock
Chapter Six
Two Weeks Later
Lila and Frank Richmond had come to OLD TONY'S on the pier to celebrate their first wedding anniversary.
"We'll have two French martinis." Frank told the waitress.
"Where are you going?" Lila asked.
"You'll see." Frankly smiled.
Frank returned to their table and was proud when the band began to play their song. Then he saw from the expression on his sweetheart's face that she hadn't even noticed.
"Lila? Baby? What's the matter?"
"There's something down there in the seaweed." Lila bit her lip.
"They're playing our song, honey!" Frank tried in vain to get her attention.
Lila stood up and pointed towards the glob of seaweed and screamed, "It's a HUMAN HAND!"
DURCHEINANDER Chapter Five: A Rotten Tomato
Dame J. E. Marshall Productions Presents
The Homage to Sir Alfred Hitchcock
Chapter Five
A ROTTEN TOMATO / July 3, 2013
"What the Sam Hill is goin on in here?!" Tommy kicked the kitchen door open and marched into the cafe.
Mitchell Doyle was sitting on the floor dabbing his bloody nose with the dinner napkin Melanie had given him. She was still tending to Mitch when her ex-husband Scottie grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up.
"Let her go!" Tommy said in a calm but deadly manner.
Scottie Brenner let go of his ex-wife. Her perfect French twist tumbled down around her face and shoulders.
"So 'Jethro Bodine' is my replacement?!" Scottie was drunk but the liquid courage drained out of him when he saw Tommy. He struggled to keep up appearances.
"I didn't know you were a cook. They told me you used to be a lawyer." Tommy commented.
"I wasn't the cook. I thought you were my replacement." Scottie made a lewd thrusting motion with his hips and focused on Melanie to get his courage back up. "So, Melanie, you hired Jethro Bodine? Aren't you afraid that big ole hillbilly showboat is going to eat all the profits?"
"Why don't we talk man to man in the kitchen and leave these innocent bystanders out of it?" Tommy took control
The two men went into the kitchen. Tommy stuck his head out the kitchen door and crossed his eyes to signal Melanie and Mitchell that he was in control of the situation. They were astonished and ran out the front door to find Thelma.
"What was that all about?" Scottie demanded.
"I was just making sure that poor fella wasn't bleedin' to death." Tommy said nonchalantly.
"That "poor fella" is Mitchell Doyle, your bloodsucking landlord. He has more money than God. He can afford to bleed a little." Scottie said sarcastically.
"Let's talk "The Precious". Its obvious why you lost your wife. Everybody heard you yelling that divorce papers don't mean a thing. That's just damn crazy talk coming from what used to be a lawyer. The question before us now, disbarred counselor, is why don't you know your marriage is in the grave? As in the grave as that gall durn spooky ring is en-graved." Tommy upbraided Scottie.
"I haven't lost my wife. I know exactly where she is at all times."
"That's your problem right there. You lost your wife. You lost your right to practice law and you lost your damn mind too. If you think you got nothin' else to lose, you just come around here again and I'll kick your lord of the ring bearin' ass to Mount Doom and back again."
Melanie, Thelma, Mitch and a growing crowd of people from the beach were hiding in the bushes listening. Officer Samuel Jefferies soon joined them.
"Got your call. What's up?" Officer Jefferies asked Thelma.
"It's Scottie. This time he gave Mr. Doyle a bloody nose, broke the bar mirror and scared off the construction crew."
All of a sudden Scottie came flying out of the back door and landed on his butt. He heard laughter coming from behind the bushes and jumped to his feet to save face.
"You think she's all yours because you went out of your way to buy her a sack of 'mater' seeds and some fertilizer, you dumb hick?" Scottie started walking away, noticed Tommy's Harley-Davidson and went back to give it a swift kick to knock it over. It didn't budge. Scottie limped towards the beach. Officer Jefferies caught up with him.
"You're going to have to come with me, Mr. Brenner." Officer Jefferies said.
"Aww, Sam, I'm not in the mood..." Scottie complained.
"This time she's pressing charges. Doyle is too."
"I want to press charges!" Scottie demanded.
"Did you hurt your foot kicking that motorcycle?" Officer Jefferies asked.
Inside the kitchen, Tommy started cleaning up the mess. Then he called Josephine and told her he was sending her some money by Western Union, that she ought to get herself a new dress and a babysitter for Benjamin for July 10th because that was his day off and he was comin' up to Baker to take her out dancin'."
There Has Been A Murder!
Sorry. That is all we are at liberty to say.
The Homage To Sir Alfred Hitchcock
Stay tuned for the grisly details.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Dame J. E. Marshall Productions Presents
The Homage to Sir Alfred Hitchcock
Chapter Four
THE NEW COOK / July 3, 2013
Thelma couldn't find Tommy in the kitchen so she went out back to the staircase that led up to the cook's apartment. The indoor staircase led directly up to the roof top dining area of the cafe, bypassing the second story apartment.
Thelma found Tommy sitting on his balcony surrounded by bougainvillea and potted flowers. He took his feet down from the railing and stood at attention when he noticed Thelma standing below.
"But soft, what sight do I see down yonder! It is my bodacious Thelma! What does she want I wonder!?" Tommy Barton said with a huge smile on his face.
"Don't you try to charm me, Tommy Barton! I've been around the block a lot of times." Thelma sneered at him.
"It don't show. It don't show a bit." Tommy shook his head as he descended the stairs. "You still got it,Thelma."
"What were you doing up there? I thought you'd be down here doing your prep work." Thelma grilled him, trying not to smile back.
"Done it. I was just having myself a little nap. Beauty sleep, so you might notice me someday." Tommy winked. "Why don't you come on up here and let me make you some of my ma-ma's famous durcheinander? That's French for poor people's dumplings."
"That's German for 'hot mess', which is what you are!" Thelma couldn't help but smile. "Did the crickets keep you awake last night?"
"No, ma'am. They don't bother me none. It's just that I waited all night for you to show up and you never did. I guess I don't got what it takes." Tommy scratched his head, lowered his eyes and shuffled his feet slowly as if he was ashamed of himself.
"Thomas Theodore Barton, you better behave yourself or one of these night's I might come up those stairs." Thelma grinned.
Thelma and Tommy were startled by the sound of breaking glass and shouting inside the cafe.
"O Dear God, it's Melanie's ex. Go back up to your apartment and call the police!" Thelma cried.
"Here's my cell phone, you call the police, sweetness. I'm going inside. Nobody puts my ladies in the corner!"
~ To Be Continued ~
DURCHEINANDER Chapter Three: Till Death Do Us Part
Chapter Three
Till Death Do Us Part
Three Weeks Earlier / May 31, 2013
Melanie Hayworth and Thelma Reynolds were watching the sunset on the roof top of the café. The roof was decorated with planters of lush tomato and grape vines heavy with fruit.
"Ah, this is good brandy!" Thelma inhaled deeply.
"I agree, but should we really be drinking while we sort through these applications?"
"We were sober when we decided Tommy Barton was the best cook. Now all we have to do is check out his references. It's an all-night dining car. Let's see if we can catch the boss off guard." Thelma said.
Thelma had a long conversation with Tommy Barton's most recent employer. Then she poured another brandy and enjoyed watching the people on the strand and on the beach.
"Don't keep me on pins and needles!" Melanie leaned forward.
"Well, our Tommy is a marvelous cook. He's professional. Always on time. Never gets overwhelmed. It seems his one fault is that he is a bit of a ladies' man."
"Is that why he wants, or should I say "needs" to leave Texas?" Melanie shook her head.
"No wait. That could be a good thing. Good for business and good because he doesn't seem like the type your ex could easily intimidate, and you know Scottie is going to keep trying. The fact that he had 'Till Death Do Us Part' inscribed on your wedding bands AFTER the divorce was creepy enough. His insisting you wear it is downright spooky. If you don't mind my saying so, I think that ex-husband of yours has gone off the deep end."
Thelma raised her glass. "Let's drink to our new cook and lady killer, Mr. Thomas Barton, to your divorce being final, to your buying out Scottie's half of this business and to this beautiful sunset!"
After the toast, Melanie took the phone and Barton's application.
"Hello, this is Melanie Hayworth in Hermosa Beach, may I speak to Mr. Barton? Mr. Barton, are you still interested in working for us?"
"What did he say?" Thelma squeezed her head close to the phone.
"Sounded like he said, 'Yippee!'. We got ourselves a real cowboy!"
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